No-code, code, design
63.5% develop their products by themselves, almost 7% use only no-code tools, and 21.2% use the tools of both worlds.
Q: How do you build your products?
Stripe (59.2%), Mailchimp (47.9%), Google Forms (39.4%), Google Sheets (39.4%), WordPress (33.8%) and Zapier (33.8%) are the most popular no-code tools, followed by PayPal (32.4%), Typeform (26.8%) and Airtable (25.4%).
i Responders could mark multiple options
7.1% of no-coders are currently learning how to code, and 4% of no-code makers think they would do the same if that was necessary to build what they wanted to.
4% of makers don't think that learning to code is essential to build what they want to.
Q: Would you learn to code to build products?
Among makers with developer skills, the top 5 programming, scripting, markup languages are the following:
- HTML/CSS (84.5%)
- JavaScript (81.4%)
- SQL (45.4%)
- PHP (42.3%)
- Python (26.8%)
i Responders could mark multiple options
And the most popular frameworks are:
- Node.js (46.7%)
- React.js (40.2%)
- jQuery (34.8%)
- Vue.js (29.3%)
- Express (21.7%)
i Responders could mark multiple options
Most makers (80.8%) choose to create the design for their products by themselves. 53.8% also use stock images and illustrations, while 22.1% are working with designers or freelancers.
i Responders could mark multiple options